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Build more enriching experiences

Administrators and developers can create and use strategic integrations for apps, for more enriching teaching and learning experiences. Set up tools in your school or join our programme and integrate.

Two different images show teachers helping their students using laptops in one-on-one sessions. The images are connected by an abstract circle.
A chart shows how app licensing works: a teacher can license apps one by one and choose which year group uses them. A chart helps them to keep track of licence usage.

App licensing

Our app licensing feature takes the hassle out of the licence management process. Administrators can purchase directly from developers, then distribute those licences via the school directory in Google Admin console.

Classroom add-ons

Access edtech tools all with a single login in Google Classroom. Streamline assignment creation, marking and student logins. Plus, set up each add-on for the whole district in just a few clicks.

A screenshot of a Google Classroom UI shows how a teacher could invite students to participate in a vocabulary activity using the app 'Vocab Party'.
A screenshot of a UI shows how a teacher can easily export mark updates from three different assignments.

SIS integrations

Help teachers and administrators to save time with deeper integrations between your school information system (SIS) and Google Classroom with the Education Plus edition. Create classes, add students at scale, simplify the marking process and more.

Other ways to integrate

Discover other ways to integrate Google for Education with Google Workspace APIs including the Classroom API, enable administrators to customise Google Classroom for their district's needs, manage people, important registers and more.

A screenshot of a UI shows how simple it is for a user to log in to classroomacademy.net using their Google Account.

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